Hello! I am Zion

Thank you for visiting my website!

I am a self-taught abstract artist (1977) with a background in graphic design and interior design.

For me, painting is a way of capturing the essence of life. I would like to take the viewer into a world of beauty and wonder. That is why I always use a form of chance in my work. After all, life cannot be predicted or planned.

The unexpected gives an extra dimension to the work, just like the texture I add. The use of water is an established fact in my paintings. Again, the unpredictable.

I like building up in many layers of transparent paint. With that I catch the light and embrace the darkness in my work.

The moment I let go of the fact that the end result has to be beautiful, very beautiful things happen!

I love working with my hands. I love texture and I can feel it best by being in direct contact with my work with my hands. In addition, I work a lot with old materials and with materials from nature. There's nothing better than coming home after a long walk and immediately incorporating what you brought with you into a painting. When I start a painting I have no idea what the end result will be. The painting is, as it were, created during painting. Sometimes I have a color or shape in mind at the beginning or I work from a theme, but I let that go when I start painting. This gives the painting the freedom to emerge. I am always amazed at the end result...

Photography: Mariet Wielders

  • Graphic design

    I also regularly create work as a graphic designer.

    Graphic design 
  • Exhibitions

    My work can regularly be found during exhibitions.

  • Portfolio

    Check out the workshops I've developed over the years.
